  • October 18, 2024

Online Slots Developer Review: NetEnt

When you have problems with your video display,it can
be something as simple as having the brightness turned
down to a bad controller on the motherboard.If you have
not done,first learn to identify the components of the video
display system.

When you look inside any open computer,see if you can
locate the Video Card.Is your video slot card mounted in an
adapter slot or is it integrated onto the motherboard.If the
card is motherboard integrated,locate the jumpers that
will allow the card to be disabled should you need to
install another card.

The Monitor is the second component in the video display
and it must be compatible with your video card.Be sure
the maximumn resolution of your video card and monitor
are the same.Its even better to your a higher resolution
display on your monitor.

hotos.html to see
a video card in an adapter slot and one that is motherboard
mounted. Follow these procedures to correct any type
of video display malfunction.


As we first mentioned,chack the brightness and contrast
buttons on the monitor to be sure they are not turned down.
Yea,we know.This sounds a little silly to think this could be
overlokked,but believe me,it really does.

And while we’re talking about simple checks,be sure the
monitor is receiving power.If the power indicator light is
out,remove the power cable and look for any bent or
broken pins or connectors.

Try to reboot the computer one or two times to be sure
the system did not just lock up.If nothing happens,replace
the cable with a known good cable to prove that the wall
outlet or surge protector has power.

If the monitor has power but nothing is on the screen,
check the data cable going into the rear of the computer.
Be sure the cable is secure.If it is,Turn the power off to
the system unit,remove the cable and look for broken,
loose,or bent pins.

Finally,if you’re blessed enough to have two computers,
exchange the monitor with a good monitor to see if it
works.Replace the old monitor if the new monitor works.
If the new monitor fail as well,remove the system cover
to inspect the Video Card.


When the Monitor is known to be good but its screen is
still blank,the Video Card is the most likely culprit.First
inspect the card to be sure it is fullly seated in its slot if
it is adapter slot mounted.

Check the jumpers of any motherboard mounted card
to be sure a jumper has not been lost or loose.If you
have been inside your system,its always a possibility
to have moved the card.

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